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Civil War Big Muff - No Drugs Required

Started by hammerheadmusicman, January 01, 2013, 10:29:25 PM

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So an old friend of mine twisted my arm in to building him a civil war spec big muff, not that it took much twisting!

He decided he wanted this 'Tame Impala' artwork on the front, which honestly if I look at it took long, makes me feel like I've taken some mind altering substances!

So the picture is a bit weird but kinda cool, and I was thinking has he gone mad? This isn't going to look good :/

I was worried how it was going to turn out, but when put the decal in the water the new clear coat I bought, start to crack a bit :/ so I literally shouted "SHIT!" And grabbed it out of the water, when I notice it looks pretty cool cracked, and calmly dumped it back in the water for a longer soak! The effect is a kind of weathered relic'd look..

Anyways here it is..

Decal just gone on,

Al boxed up,

Hidden LEDs (thanks to Jimilee for the idea from his bluesbreaker build!)
This was my first attempt, and I did it by hot glueing 3mm bezels on to the inside of the enclosure.

And the obligatory Gut Shot.. The trim pot on top of the vol pot is another volume control, toggled by the other switch, so you set the internal trim pot as a lower volume, so that when you switch the 'boost' (not really a boost) you get the whole hog!

Btw the board is fastened with sticky pads, and although it looks as if the jacks plugs are touching the board from this angle, I assure you they are not! < As it was a close call!!

All in all I think a pretty tidy build, and a slick sounding circuit too, may have a go at another variation for myself, I'll keep an eye on the mud bunny variants thread going at the minute..

Happy new year all

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


That looks really good! I really dig the hidden led look. Makes the surface look clean.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Nice work... that graphic is crayzee!  Knobs look sweet too, where they from??


I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


I bought a ton of them, they seem to go with everything, as they are pretty neutral!
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


GreAt build! I love the way it turned out. I love it when a mistake turn out to be the defining aspect of great artwork!


Thanks, me too, especially when it's my mistake. I may have told the guy I did it on purpose ;)
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Hey, that looks awesome! I wonder which Tame Impala album this is from? I don't recognize it right off the bat.


I don't know mate, it just says tame impala on the front..
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..