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Collosalus, what part types to use?

Started by ok, December 23, 2012, 06:16:10 AM

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Hey everyone!
So, I just ordered myself the Collosalus PCB and was about to go order parts when I realized I was not sure which type to use. I done a lot of work with electronics in the past, but that was usually with PC and other electronics so I have no clue what works best for audio electronics. So what type of caps should I use? Lower and higher values are obviously ceramic and electrolytic but what do I use for the nF values? My guess would be film, but when I went over to smallbearelec there are tons of different film caps and when I looked the at build photo I noticed they were different from other film caps I've seen before. They're rectangular and yellow, heres the photo.
So which caps should I use? Can I find them on smallbearelec?
And the resistors, I've heard that metal film are best but I see that theres a mix of them in the photo.
No questions of diodes, transistors or the ICs but wow is the MN3007 expensive!
6mm trimpots right? The guide didn't say size, a link to the one used in the photo would be fantastic.
Pots should be 16mm? Not sure which ones are right.
Links to recommended parts would be fantastic.
Also, do the ICs have to be socketed? I don't see why the need to be. And cap22? I'm fine with de-sautering it should I need to change it.
And the enclosure, 1590B or 1590BB?
Thanks to you all for any help in advance. Looking forward to building this pedal and enjoying it!


That's a lot of questions but I'll give it a shot.  Let me preface this by saying you should probably build an overdrive or something simpler for your first build.  The collosalus is a large project and there will be plenty of room for error.  just sayin.

those are commonly called box caps and they are radial film.  the ones smallbear carries are manufactured by tompay and they are good caps.
box caps are nice because of their rectangular shape, so they sit flat once soldered and won't look as sloppy as some other types might.
btw the yellow ones I think were made by avx but that line of caps was discontinued.  other good brands of box caps are kemet, epcos, wima, etc.  they all sound the same to me.

metal film resistors may be quieter in general and are preferred by some for high gain dirt pedals and modulation pedals.  I use them where I can but if all I have of a certain value is carbon film I don't worry about it too much.
iirc smallbear is kind of an expensive place to buy 1 at a time resistors, but I did that kind of thing when I first started too so maybe that is what you will have to do this time.

the collosalus goes in a 1590bb.

6mm trimmers should be ok there I think.  I usually use the blue 3362 alpha trimmers.  not sure if smallbear carries them.  tayda has them dirt cheap.

the pcb is made to use 16mm pc mount alpha pots, i think they are called rt angle short pins.  Of course you could use lug pots but that's a lot moar wiring.

you don't have to socket the ics if you're quick with the iron and don't overheat the part too bad, but if you need to troubleshoot later it's MUCH more difficult to swap a soldered IC than it would be for a resistor, for instance.  on a build of that size you never know if you will run into problems so I would recommend them.

it could be that you would benefit from making 2 parts orders.  get the led & bezel, dc jack, stomp switch, resistors, , trimmers, jrc4558's, sockets, and possibly the box caps from tayda.  tons of cheap stuff there so get multiples of everything.

and then get your painted box, the radial electrolytics, ceramics, jacks (better quality jacks at sb), mn3007, transistors, pots, etc from smallbear.

hope that helps
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Sorry about replying so late, but thank you so much for your help. Ended up ordering more than half of the parts from Tayda and saving myself a lot of dollars haha. I finished the soldering, except for the LT1054 because the guy at smallbearelec sent me the wrong IC. Now I'm stuck with the wrong IC and no collosalus haha. But I'm going to do the switch wiring in the meantime. Thanks again for the help!


Quote from: ok on January 02, 2013, 11:24:54 PM
Sorry about replying so late, but thank you so much for your help. Ended up ordering more than half of the parts from Tayda and saving myself a lot of dollars haha. I finished the soldering, except for the LT1054 because the guy at smallbearelec sent me the wrong IC. Now I'm stuck with the wrong IC and no collosalus haha. But I'm going to do the switch wiring in the meantime. Thanks again for the help!

Did you e-mail Smallbear and tell them they mixed up the chips? I'm sure he'd make it right.