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Chunk chunk gain mod..

Started by hammerheadmusicman, December 29, 2012, 12:11:53 AM

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Basically, this is what i am thinking about the chunk I am about to box..

1) it sounds awesome with my Parker fly deluxe, a loud humbuckers.. Loads of gain on tap! It doesn't sound as good with my strat as it is a relic with 61' pickups which are really low output.

2) I feel it would greatly benefit from a switch whereby you can match the level of distortion.

To clarify, I was thinking of a switch where I can plug my lower output guitar and get a similar amount of distortion..

I don't have time to comb the schematic at the minute, but I was thinking about switching the input cap so it has a bigger input signal. Not sure if that's Correct, it's pretty late and I'm pretty tired!

Just wanted to get some opinions before I give it some serious thought..

Thanks dudes


I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Maybe put it in 1 enclosure together with something like a Thunderdpuss (great booster BTW) which you can switch on when playing the Strat?

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


The enclosure is big enough actually, and i do have enough space for the switch etc..

Since typing the first line, i've just checked out the thunderpuss, i could have the pot on the thuderpuss as an internal trim pot, and have it set to match the input gain of the strat...

I'll keep thinking though, if theres something involing a little less work i might do something else, but good call on the thunderpuss..


I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Im in my phone but i have a ggg landgraff ts808 with the xlipping switch. I run it in "boost" instead of the two clipping options and the output is ridiculous. You might wanna check out the tubescreamer doc on that page to see what thay switch is doing. I think its led vs symmetrical vs asymmetrical but it basically renders myphone level pot to about 5 degrees of useful range.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

(Formerly roflcopter)


ok dude, cheers :) will check that out later, out a gig, earning food and pedal money ;)

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


changing C1 may not help that much, it's already .1uF. that's large enough that there isn't much bass being cut.

i would probably try to increase the gain on the first and/or second gain stage. there are a few ways to do this, but try lowering R4 or R8. maybe start at 1k and go from there.