Fatpants and egodriver combo pedal - used to work, now unpleasant clipping

Started by Marshall Arts, December 12, 2012, 02:01:14 PM

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Marshall Arts


I built a double pedal with a madbean fatpants booster and an egodriver overdrive some time ago. The egodriver is powered by the 18V outlet of the fatpants. All worked great for a couple of week, just recently, I recognized an unpleasent clipping. This vanishes, as notes fade out/are played more silent. I am using a cheap DC-9V wall wart, which might produce maybe 10 Volts.

Question: Where would you start debugging? Any ideas? Exchange the IC's? I still have a JRC4558 at home, should I try that in the egodriver? Any comments welcome!



How is it set up? Is the Fat Pants driving the EgoDriver or the other way around? Is the bad clipping happen with just one side engaged or both? Need more info.

Marshall Arts

Quote from: madbean on December 12, 2012, 03:00:52 PM
How is it set up? Is the Fat Pants driving the EgoDriver or the other way around? Is the bad clipping happen with just one side engaged or both? Need more info.

the clipping happens with just the ego driver switched on. Any ideas? Could it be the voltage?

Marshall Arts

Quote from: madbean on December 12, 2012, 03:00:52 PM
How is it set up? Is the Fat Pants driving the EgoDriver or the other way around? Is the bad clipping happen with just one side engaged or both? Need more info.

the clipping happens with just the ego driver switched on. Any ideas? Could it be the voltage?

Any ideas on this?

Marshall Arts


fixed it! The problem was the IC on the Ego Driver which obviously did not sit correctly in its socket. Now it's back to awesome!

P.S. I tried a JRC 4558 for debugging purposes, which sounded nice as well.