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TC Flashback x4 Delay, here and gone!

Started by pryde, November 15, 2012, 01:49:13 AM

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So I decided I wanted a mega-delay type thing with a simple looper since I sold my Boss RC20 and my Echobase delay. I searched for a while and decided the new TC flashback x4 delay would be a great option.

Hooked it up with some excitement (pretty new toy) and played it for a few hours. Verdict, no thanks  :(. First the unit is friggin huge with all its bells and whistles, I fould it to be a bit noisy in my chain. And the nail in the coffin is that it really changed the tone of my rig when it was on in a bad way, especially with some dirt in front of it. just having the pedal on gave a honky midrange boost in my signal that I did not like at all.

Finally, it has a dozen or so delay options but really many were difficult to tell apart. The tape, analog, lo-fi, and tube delay all sounded REALLY close. Also, the regular 2290 had a mild modulation in it. Just a dud all around for me  ???

Well there is my opinion on it. I miss my Echobase already, looks like I get to build another. Or see what master Bean has coming down the line  ;)



Woah... thats a bummer, coz it looks like a cool pedal.  Goes to show our ears aren't fooling us after all huh? Echobase sounds fantastic


I wonder if it would sound better in the loop?

I agree it's hard to beat an echobase :)
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I only have my handbuilt 5e3 at the moment so no effects loop. Normally the amp takes pedals very well but this one did not seem to work out. I am sure it is a good delay in most people's rigs and many people like it, just is not for me.

I may still try the regular flashback (small one) as I would like to have a good digital delay and basic looper on hand. However, I was disapointed with the 2290 having a mild modulation effect in it.

Looks like the only options in this catagory are the flashback, Boss DD7, and Hardwire DL-8.


Don't believe the hype. I think TC made some mistakes with that product. People will catch on, or they won't. The DL4 from line 6 had some of the same problems, and people love that thing still.

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Sorry to hear the FB4 is a dud.  I've got a flashback and a hall of fame, both are excellent, but the stuff as of late seems to be trying too hard (dreamscape, dark matter, mojo). 

My two cents, I'd take the original flashback over the Boss and the hardwire, same price point, smaller footprint, and the toneprint is kinda cool.  It was my only delay when I was living in Germany and I was quite happy with it.   That being said, it's since been replaced by my carbon copy as my main delay, but still on my board.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


 I had a Nova Repeater that I really liked...until I built the Sea Urchin.  Then I quit using the Nova.  I just finished the Multi-plex, and that will replace the Sea Urchin.  I'm also really looking forward to Bean's Zero Point Deluxe. 

Anyway, I guess my original point was that if you're looking for a digital delay, and have the space on your board, the Nova Repeater is worth checking out, too. 


There is also the EHX Memory Man with Hazarai as well.

I have one; I'm in no way in love the thing, but it does do digital delay and looper functions.

It doesn't try to emulate analogue, tape, tube echos etc. but I kind of like that; it knows its a digital delay and doesn't care  :D


Quote from: Haberdasher on November 15, 2012, 03:40:35 AM
I wonder if it would sound better in the loop?

I agree it's hard to beat an echobase :)
almost any time based effect does ( to me at least) color one's tone for any of a number of reasons.
I always run delays and reverbs in parallel for the reasons the op described. a mega function delay monstrosity  has a lot of machinery to pass your signal through...some tone colorization is to be expected. maybe a parallel-izer would help(with the tone coloring at least)  tc probably will improve the product with firmware updates. they are really good at responding to consumers (see Ib mods etc...)

I think with the market so competative sometimes there is a rush to realease effects without enough refining.
tried lifting weights once....they were too heavy!


THanks for the thoughts and opinions. My plan is to try the small flashback for digital and looper functions, build another Echobase, and build the Zeropoint Brian has coming down the line. Its a win-win no matter what  ;D


Quote from: pryde on November 15, 2012, 06:54:26 PM
THanks for the thoughts and opinions. My plan is to try the small flashback for digital and looper functions, build another Echobase, and build the Zeropoint Brian has coming down the line. Its a win-win no matter what  ;D

This sounds like a good plan.  I have one of the smaller Flashbacks.  It's quite flexible, but for day to day stuff, I really like the sound of the Deep Blue Delay.  Lately, I've been really digging Josh's Multiplex as well.

I've not built or heard an Echobase, so I will have to give one of those a try one of these days.
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