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Nautilus LED/Toggle

Started by twofootskunk, October 29, 2012, 01:29:13 PM

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I'm finishing up my Nautilus build.  My first madbean build! (only my second overall build).
The only LED's I have are the 5mm Blue Water Clear Ultra Bright LED from Tayda. 

Can I use that for the 3mm LED?  As far as I can tell it has pretty much the same specs as the 3mm ones.

Also, I apparently bought mini toggles for the two dpdt switches.  Which means the pins don't line with the pcb holes.  I was planning on just using very short hookup wire to connect them. Bad idea?


Do you mean LED's for the vactrols? I'm pretty sure what you have will be okay.

And yeah, just run some wire to the switches. If they are minis, they will probably fit right under. The DPDT spacing on the PCB is for the typical Mountain switches or knock-offs.

As and aside: on this layout I changed the DPDT mounting a bit from previous madbean boards. The pads are actually smaller so the switch lugs will fit firmly. No more trying to brace them in place to solder. The PCB will hold them in place now.


I meant the LED that is "on the PCB tied to the envelope filter. It will light up when the effect is engaged to give you visual feedback on how the envelope is behaving."
That's one that's mounted between the Peak pot and the Range switch, right?

Sorry for the noob questions :)

For the Vactrols I'm using the VTL5C3's


Oh yeah, you can use whatever kind of LED you want there. It has no effect on the operation of the effect itself.