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Kingslayer reversed power wiring issue

Started by sclemmer, September 24, 2012, 12:16:00 AM

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First post here, hello all. I finished my kingslayer build today. I tested it before boxing it up and all was well. Upon putting it in the enclosure I made the mistake of wiring the 9v and ground backwards. I powered up the pedal before realizing this and was greeted with an oscillating hum. After fixing the backwards wiring, when I power on the pedal now I get a high pitched whine and no effect. My question is; is this build repairable? Do I need a new board of could I possibly replace parts to fix it?


Check your voltages on the charge pump to see what you are reading. At worst, you probably will need to replace D1.


Hello and welcome! Hope you get your build working soon. Be sure to post some pics of your creation in "build reports" section!
Sent via soup cans and string.


Here are the voltages, not sure if I read them in the correct order. If you are looking at the chip and able to read the writing, I started in the top left corner and went clock-wise around the chip.

Thanks for the help.


I replaced D1 and now the effect works when engaged. However, on the LED setting when I strum a chord I get the expected overdriven sound but it fades out quickly to a cleanish signal. If I watch the LEDs while playing I see them light up dimly and then fade. I had to socket the LEDs as I only had 5mm ones and they would not fit next each other on the board along with the 1n34a's. I also snapped one of the 1n34a and decided to socket the replacement. Not sure what's going on...