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Don't get screwed over like I just did.

Started by murdog47, September 20, 2012, 02:33:36 AM

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So I sold an original green russian big muff on ebay and shipped it the same as I always do.  With the rise in  postal prices I skipped confirmation and insurance. The buyer is now saying he never received it.  Everything else I shipped that day got where it was going on time.  His response when he did not receive it seemed strange.  Instead of asking if I shipped it yet or why he had not received it he said, I haven't received the pedal yet.  If it's not here in 30 days, I will need a refund.  Sounds really legit huh.  Anyway...looks like I'm on the hook for $280.  Please!!!! Get a confirmation and insurance if you ship on EvilBay!  :-\

Mike B.

That's the very reason I use delivery confirmation on everything I sell on EBay. Some will still try the old "I never got it" bit, but as long as you have proof of delivery EBay will find in your favor.


Whoa that bites :(
Sorry to hear that man... what's his feedback like?  Might be a genuine loss, in which case can you come back on the postal service?


it does not matter.

He could get it and say it wasn't working when he got it or something like that and still get a refund, i sold a set of pickups once and the guy said they aren't working, ebay refunded him without a hitch, he was man enough to send them back though, and voila, they work.

selling on ebay is dangerous now, it's a scammers paradise.


Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Long story alert (but I think its a funny one!).

My one and only Ebay purchasing experience was last week.

My Fiancee bid on a set of drawers for us to do up for our house (we like 'upscaling' old furniture etc.).

Anyway, she won the bid and arranged to pick the drawers up.

The seller was a book shop only twenty minutes away from where we live.

She was going to go on her own but I thought I better go with here; I have heard there are some real weirdos that use ebay!

Anyway, we get to the 'bookstore' and it is a house/work unit in the roughest part of town. All the blinds are closed and there is no sign outside etc.

We started knocking and no one was answering, so eventually we went in.

We were greeted by an empty room with pasting tables lining the perimiter.

On said tables were hundreds, literally hundreds, of old p*rno mags   :D

We promptly got the drawers from the owners (who seemed as embarassed as us) and darted.

.... This is my one and only Ebay bidding experience.... never again  :D :D

.... the drawers are nice though mind  ;)


sorry to hear about your bad experience

I try to avoid eBay, but I do use it once in a while.  I've luckily only had a few shaky experiences out of over 100 transactions in the past 10 years.

Contract PCB designer


Damn man. That is a lot of money and one expensive lesson. If that dude was within driving distance I'd likely show up at his door one day to confirm.


I kept the receipt from the post office but thats the only proof I have. Paypal and Ebay both said that it's not good enough, that I need delivery confirmation.I'm in Illinois and he's in North Carolina...otherwise I would definitely pay a visit. Oh well...hopefully karma pays him a visit instead.


I just hope others can learn from my mistake so it doesn't happen to any of the good folks on here. 
P.S. the ebay user is singlecoilmusic. Be weary of buying or selling anything to them.

Deed J

You can also open a ticket with USPS... 'Cause in that story they are the seller, the carrier and the buyer.
Just a shadow in a Rock'n'Roll sky


Yep, if you have that receipt I would put the onus back on USPS and make a claim against them. They either have insurance or they are self insured. Either way they set aside money for this. Stay on them. For 280$ I would do it. You never know what they might find if they look into it.