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Bright Orange Germanium Cherrybomb.

Started by JakeFuzz, August 06, 2012, 02:49:41 PM

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Hah! I was kidding, I'm always impressed by your experience and understanding of the circuits.

Magic is going to Europe on tour really soon, not sure when exactly but might have to be when he gets back. I am doing some volunteering for SC/BLM this weekend so that is out.

I'm pretty well set up now at home with tools, vice, lights, MM, good iron, etc. Have magnifying visor on the way. Need to get a small parts chest and order bunch of parts that are common across most builds to have on hand. I have 2 rub-a-dubs to do and am researching a dual build for a friend and some things for me like Bazz Fuss, Sabretooth, and just ordered a board from a guy in the UK for a Clari(not) cubed. Been fun learning lately, I even troubleshot the Zombii I bought from you and had success! Was just a solder joint on 3PDT wire but I thought it was the switch but using my cable tester, MM, and loupe found it was a simple re-flow job. Another issue was I decided to reverse 2 of the caps and made a mess of that- messed up a pad but learned to reference the schematic and wire the connection off the pcb, that was neat. One other thig is odd behavior of solder ssometimes like just will NOT melt, having difficulty like putting resistors in series and such and it just seems like for some reason there will be a blob of solder and no matter how hot I turn the iron up it is like stone!


Quote from: JakeFuzz on September 11, 2012, 01:25:36 AM
Quote from: Om_Audio on September 10, 2012, 10:00:19 PM
You can always count on JakeFuzz for a n00b-esque greenhorn response.

Haha, I know. Sorry it's my first day guys! My old project manager used to say that when he messed up really expensive parts.

When are we going to get together with Magic and have a pedal party Cliff?

Sent via soup cans and string.