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Bass Chorus and Verb?

Started by pryde, September 05, 2012, 12:42:27 AM

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A bassist friend of mine wants a chorus and reverb 2-in-1 pedal. I am thinking about a Rub-a-dub for the Reverb portion but have no idea about bass chorus?

Any recommendations for a good diy bass chorus or maybe modding a chorus to be bass friendly? Also, would the rub-a-dub work for bass reverb ok? Thanks for any recommendations and options for this!


I built a Pork Barrel for my bassist friend and it sounds great.


I'd be wary of reverb on bass, honestly. With low frequencies, reverb tends to just make things into a muddy mess. I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't do it - just that historically, it hasn't been very useful.


Quote from: lincolnic on September 05, 2012, 04:22:44 AM
I'd be wary of reverb on bass, honestly. With low frequencies, reverb tends to just make things into a muddy mess. I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't do it - just that historically, it hasn't been very useful.

Thanks. I am not sure why he wants reverb or if he is aware of how it might sound. Maybe a delay or something might work better? I could see it getting kinda muddy with a bass as well though.


  You can build the pork barrel and make the mods of the tonepad (Corral Chorus). The projects is based in the same pedal. 


For the reverb, add a mix knob at least.

If you can, add a low freq filter (i'd be very interested to see the final product of this)
My Iron Ether Nimbus filters low freq at 20hz - 2khz, apperantly depending on how far the knob is turned.

The Boss Bass Chorus also has a low end filter that is adjusting approximately 1kHz

(all those numbers are from the manufacterers)


thanks for all the info/suggestions. It looks like a modded pork barrel will be a good fit here. I will have to do some learning on how to add a low freq filter.

I think he might be pretty stoked to have a modded pork and a rubadub with mix control perhaps?


Oh yeah, we bass players love the mix knob.