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Wiring the serindipity

Started by mlweidl, November 01, 2010, 10:26:16 PM

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So i just got all the stuff for my serindipity and i just had one quick question. I have been using the the Beavis Audio diagram to wire everything up. But the LED hook up doesnt work exactly. On theire diagram it shows the led being hooked up to the bottome left pole of the 3PDT switch then going to the 9v hole in the board but since there is an LED hook up directly on the board and im gonna just wire the LED in there then the bottom left pole is wired the SW hole on the board?

Here is the diagram i was following


Correct. The board has the spot built in for the LED.

In an effort to avoid any confusion I would suggest just following madbean's wiring diagram in the project doc, but if you stick with Dano's diagram then yes, you would wire that bottom left pole to the SW spot.


o shoot i didnt realize there was a wiring diagram. i looked in the old versions and found one. one more question when i wire the pots the diagram shows them but is it the back side shown or the top


Traditional labeling of pots works like this: 3-2-1 means 3 is the left lug and 1 is the right lug when the shaft of the pot faces DOWN, i.e. the backside.

I have some general wiring diagrams that I've done, but have not uploaded them yet. I'll see about getting those online.