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Mudbunny and Serendipity first builds

Started by hoodoo, July 25, 2012, 12:33:41 PM

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G'day to all first time poster in build reports. I hope the photos are viewable, followed the instructions for imageshack uploads, hope it works.
My first two builds, a mudbunny to rams head specs and a serendipity (oohyeah), loving the serendipity.
Only came across the site last month and am well and truly hooked, thanks madbean and all the others who give their advice so freely.

Etched both boards myself, mudbunny  was the first, works great but pretty ordinary ( note the size of the board) I thought that if i make it bigger it would be easier to work on ( real men don't need instructions) except when building pedals maybe lol.

I didn't get too creative with the finishes, still trying to get my head around inkscape, and i cheated a little bit, the mudbunny was rebuilt after i used Josh's 3pdt board in the Serendipity, everyone should use these, so much neater (thnx Josh). I stripped the enclosure back to refinish and thought that it looked pretty cool distressed, so clear coated it and that'll do.

I've got a few more finished ready to be boxed so i'll get a bit more creative with them maybe.

Anyhow here they are.


Very nice builds.  You obviously spent time to carefully route the wires.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Very tidy for your first builds.  Congrats.


Thank's for the compliments, it's a bit of a steep learning curve, having never done this before.You learn a little something with each build i think, problem solving/ fault finding etc.I can assure you that the wiring in the mudbunny didn't look like that to start with, Josh's 3pdt boards can take the credit for neatness lol. Even finishing the enclosures is an artform, that was the third attempt on the mudbunny.

The wife is sick of hearing about how much i'm loving this heheh. I love every part of the process and am looking forward to having a crack at decals and the such in future.

I've got a rubadub reverb,buzzsaw, and timmy completed that just need boxing, and a few other boards that need to be populated, so you'll definitely be seeing some more soon.

Stay Cool, Matt.


So much neater than my first builds! Nice work.


Stellar interior work on these man!  Well done! - Music, Builds, other nonsense