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Started by night-B, January 31, 2011, 11:19:47 AM

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I'd like to buy one cheap oscilloscope. Do you guys have any advice on brand, models, online shop, for a cheap oscilloscope that would do the job for signal analysis and save a lot of bucks?


I bought a used tektronics (model 466 in case you're interested) from a local electronics shop. It's a pretty nice old analog one. It ran me about $250 CDN.

Digital have some advantages over analog scopes, mostly because they're easier to measure stuff with. They also don't require as much configuration. I still kind of like analog because I've found they're more intuitive to view signals with. Cheap digital scopes are kind of pain to work with. I would probably move to digital if I found a nice one for cheap (which is unlikely).

I've seen some kind of neat pocket scopes recently but I don't have any experience with them.


Pocket sized oscilloscopes with Li-ion battery sounds interesting, but I'm afraid to spend a lot of bucks on a gadget


I picked up a DS Nano a few months ago, but haven't had time to learn to use it. It's more limited than a traditional analog or digital scope, but at $90 I figured it's worth a try.

Someday, when I have a lot of time on my hands, I want to scope some of the projects and post the results here. Don't hold your breath, though!


I found this :
Very tempting... It's low cost and DIY  :D


Neat idea, but seems kind of hit of miss on the reviews below.  It also doesn't have any info on any kind of calibration of the unit in the documents.
Contract PCB designer


Looks like they have updated the desing for the DSO Nano since I bought mine:


that DS nano looks freakin cool!!! At school i tend to run to the tektronics o-scopes. They function better than the bk precision ones we have. Some of those instruments i waste so much time trying to get them to trigger or read properly to find out they are crap and its not me.
Kinda off topic. Has anyone been to TRW electronics swapmeet? its a little south of LAX, last saturday of every month. I imagine you could find one there for super cheap, that is if you a Los Angelean!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals