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Sunking Wiring Question

Started by ringleader, July 15, 2012, 12:42:34 PM

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I have built the Sunking acording to this:

I'm a bit confused because the layout on page 1 is quite different than the one on page 5, and so is the wiring.
I would like to build the buffered version from page 1, but i have the PCB from page 5 and there are no pads for the Switch like on the page 1 layout.

Any advice?


Page 5's layout is for a single sided etched board. Page 1 is for a fabbed board. Just use the diagram for the one you have and disregard the other. If you want true bypass you have to make the chages listed in the doc info. Good Luck!  ;D



But where do i have to put the RTB? On Page 5's Layout there seems to be no place for it..


No need for the RTB unless you are using true bypass


im using true bypass now.. made the changes and removed the parts listed..
just dont know where to put the rtb now...


You're right there isn't one  ??? You may not need it, it is a pulldown resistor to help with popping when engaging the effect.  I would say go ahead and build it according to page 5 without the RTB. If you have a problem with popping just add a 1M between the input and any ground.


You are right---I must have omitted the pulldown from that layout. As murdog said---just add it directly between the effect input and ground (not the jack input). You can actually do it right on the 3PDT switch if you like. Or, between the in lug on the switch and the sleeve of your input jack.



just to be perfectly clear before i fire this thing up...
the wiring shown on page 5's layout is for true bypass?   ???


The wiring shown on page 5 is not for true bypass you have to make the changes listed in the instructions

"To make the Sunking true-bypass
• Remove C3, R3, R4, R28, R29, R30
• Add RTB (1M resistor) Wiring True-Bypass
• The IN pad is wired to the FX input
• 9v is wired to your DC jack
• S2 is wired to ground
• S3 is wired for toggling the LED indicator
• S6 is wired to FX output
• S1 and S4 are left unconnected"


ok! now i get it!  :)

so.. i just use a standard true bypass wiring now..