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How many watts 9.1v Zener for boneyard??

Started by matiasbatty, August 25, 2012, 09:42:47 PM

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Hello! I have one question, how many watts should be 9.1V Zener diode to protect the MAX1044 boneyard??
1/2W. ok??
Or better put one of 1W??

Thank you very much!


Either one is fine. Heat dissipation with 1W is better, but if you are only using a 9v power supply the zener should not heat up. Only if you plugged in 12v or 18v would it really start to get hot.


Bean thank you very much!

I want to protect any high voltages on some processors that are not regulated.
Some claim to be 9v. but give 11v. or 12v.
This would serve me right?


The TC1044SCPA can take up to 12v. The MAX1044SCPA is rated at 10v, but can usually tolerate up to 12v from what I've read. The 9.1v zener will prevent any over-voltage in either situation. You can run the Boneyard at up to 12v, but the best bet is to use the TC charge pump then (and obviously use a 12v Zener instead of 9.1v).