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Charge Pump Chip Salvaging?

Started by Khronic, May 21, 2012, 11:44:59 PM

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Hey all
Im just wondering what do they actually use the MAX1044 or any Compatible charge pump chip in? as in what junk can i salvage these from or  or items i should look for that have Cp's.Are there other charge pump models we can yank from say a Power supply to a printer or anything ...i aint rich but buying these ontop of other shit would get expencive...just curious if these charge pumps are in crap we can dissasemble and reuse....tryin to think Cheaper :)

Thx again

And sorry if its a noob ass Q but theres no info i can find on google as to what a Maxx1044 is used inside of...
Or inside any product they are used inside of


Reason i ask is i wanna build a few Road rage's and if i had somthin on hand i could just yank 1 out of sure would save a couple bucks


i'd say it's pretty unlikely to find one in most consumer goods. most stuff exclusively uses surface mount devices.


ahhhh ok just was curious if they did use them in any kind of consumer products

Thank ya


If you're interested in salvaging parts from discarded consumer goods, just go to any garage sale, thrift store, vintage outlet or whatever and look out for old stuff, like radio's, computers etc. I just got me a whole bunch of wires from 2 old desktop computers that where being trashed because they were just gathering dust. I also remember seeing a thread here somewhere about a guy ripping apart an old, non-function organ and finding a stash of super-cool transistors. You never know what you're going to find.......


PS: just be considerate about what you rip apart, it might be more valuable as a completely original, functioning unit!
"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"