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Need some advice on what to build (to replace a Metal Zone)

Started by lincolnic, October 04, 2010, 04:19:52 AM

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A friend of mine wants me to build him a pedal - he's been using a Boss Metal Zone, but feels he's ready to graduate to something fuller and warmer (his words). My immediate thought was maybe a Kokbox, but I figured I'd ask and see if you guys had any other recommendations. Maybe a Chunk Chunk? Some kind of Big Muff? Something I haven't thought of at all? Speak to me, hivemind.


What does he mean fuller and warmer? Does he want a distortion style, a fuzz style or an overdrive style? Is all he ever has used the MT2?

Those questions unanswered, I would ask him to listen to the following pedals online on You Tube or Pro Guitar Shops or something like that:

Dirty Little Secret
Honey Bee Overdrive
Big Muff/Skreddy Mayo
King of Tone

Those pedals all fit in the Warm and Full overdrive, distortion or Fuzz. Which one does he like the sound of online? Build it. Then if he's unsure, build choice two and sell the one that doesn't 'fit the bill'

That's what I would do.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


red llama? thats what I think everybody needs though.

chunk chunk is a great pedal but it isn't warmer or fuller, I mean even with the bass cranked it is still just ripping high gain distortion. It does sound alot fuller than a metal zone though.

I am still searching for the perfect metal pedal I am hoping to build a suhr riot clone soon.

also a cot50 or an electra overdrive like the trotsky is a great rock distortion sounds really plexi like for ac/dc-thin lizzy sounds.


Sound advice, guys. (No pun intended.) I'm pretty sure he's interested in distortion, but I'll definitely give him a list of things to check out. Thanks!