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Aquaboy daughter modulation board

Started by TNblueshawk, May 03, 2012, 05:49:30 PM

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I'm narrowing in on it. So, I've got the PCB and DD boards working. Still need to dial it in better I think. What I have left is to get the modulation board going now.

I've got the "old" version I guess and this is the first time I've used the LED/LDR combo and I'm trying to decide and get my mind around what to do here. I'll put the voltages out there since I have them anyway.

You will see in the pic that I have a tempo LED wired in series there. At first I thought it wasn't getting any signal but when the lights are off and you stare right at it you can see a flicker of life there, so something is coming through. The depth and speed don't really do anything that I can detect so I guess I'm not getting enough juice there. I pulled off the heat shrink and did not see the LED/LDR lighting at all, in the dark of course. Maybe not enough voltage pusing through. 

So, what might you guys tweak first? R6 is a stock 100k. Should I play with that first leaving the LDR alone? I have a white water clear in here. Who knows the value of the LDR as it was a variety pack at Rat Shak. Maybe a diffused LED? Larger LDR?

I guess what I'm looking for is your adivce as to how you guys might methodically go about doing it. I was thinking of lowering the resistor to see what that does for me first.

So the voltages: I'm using a 15v regulator on the RR board. These fluctaute up and down...I assume to track the modulation?
IC: TL072
pin 1: 5-11.5v
pin 2: 5-11.5v
pin 3: 1.7-3.5v
pin 4: Zero
pin 5: 5-11.5v
pin 6: 5-10.5v
pin 7: 1-15.5v
pin 8: 16.4v steady

9v at pad = 16.4
out pad = 7v
R6: 6 and 10.5v on each side of the resistor

It appears I'm getting 3v at the LED. What voltage should I be looking for going into that?



You have the tempo LED wired wrong.  Right now your actually running the LED's parallel.  The black wire from the tempo LED needs to be wired to the other post of the LED to be in series.  So it would go like this..

+TEMPO LED- +Vactrol LED -

I also recommend a diffused LED for the vactrol.  You'll most likely need to lower R6 since you have two LED's now.  But rewire before fooling with the limiting resistor or fooling with the diffused LED.

Contract PCB designer


Well shoot. Thought I at least had that part right  ::)  But that would explain a loss of juice for sure to the vactrol. I will report back after that and a few things if need be. 