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Help, what happened to Macheen Resistor 16 (R16)?

Started by icecycle66, April 13, 2012, 02:16:47 AM

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Hey folks.

I am building my first pedal, ever. 

This is actually the first time I am really doing any sort of circuit work.

I am building the Macheen.  I have all my parts and my circuit board etched and drilled; and I have started to place components.

I am doing th resistors first and

WHAT HAPPENED TO R16!!!...sorry, I'm just a little frightened.

So, what happened to R16?

I made my circuit board based on the prints on the bottom of page five in the project.
I purchased all my parts based on the list on page 2.

Now that I am putting everything in place, I see that the circuit board on page 5 is different than the boards on pages 2 and 4.

I can barely read schematics, but looking at the schematic I don't see anything labeled R16.

So, am I boned?
What do I do with the holes I have for R16?
Do I need to print and etch a new circuit board based on the ones on pages 2 and 4?
If so, does anyone have the printable art for etching?
Is there an easy workaround for this?


Wait a minute, I think I got it.

Up on page 4, there is a 4k7 resistor coming off the left side of the LED.

I thought that was just hanging off the wires.
But now, I think that 4k7 on page  4 is actually R16.  True?

Sorry for wasting your time.
I'm a little jumpy on this new hors' derves.


As it says on pg.5, R16 is used as a current limiting resistor for the LED indicator. That resistor and the pads for the LED are present in the single sided, etchable version which you are building but were not included in the manufactured double-sided version.

So, if you want to include the LED circuitry from the single sided PCB, a 4.7k is pretty common.

If you are wiring your LED off-board like the wiring diagram illustrates, then you can omit the resistor and associated LED from the PCB.