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2 questions about 2 different projects

Started by amunderw, March 12, 2012, 03:49:49 AM

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Alright so I have been building a bunch of pedals and most all are good to go except for these 2.  If you have any ideas on what they could be, please let me know.

I built the LaVache pedal.  I have it all put together and it works.  I even did the boost as a 3dpt switch for easy access.  Anyways, the pedal has an incredibly high pitch sound to it we engaged.  The effect does work and I do get good sound, but if I stop playing you can easily hear an obnoxious high pitched sound (not feedback).  Does anyone have any ideas what could cause this??

I built the Snarkdoodle (tube sound fuzz pedal).  This thing is ballsy loud!  Like way way too loud. Even at it's lowest setting it is incredibly toooooo loud.  I was afraid I would blow a speaker and it totally kills the ears when engaged.  Again, works and sounds good, just way to loud and won't match any other volume settings.  The one thing I did different with this build is swapped C6 (330uf radial cap) with a 100uf Radial.  I talked with a friend and he said that cap doesn't affect the audio, but the power only and it would be okay to swap them.  The reason I did this is because I found it very hard to find a 330uf radial cap.  DO you guys think this would effect this issue any?  If so, do you know where I can find a stinking 330uf radial?  If not, do you know what in the heck is going on?

Thanks guys!


Have you read the "rules for tech help" thread yet? That should give you lots of places to start.

I'll agree with your friend, the 100uF cap should be fine.

After that, there are 4 major issues that cause pedals not to work for builders.

1. The wrong value part installed
2. A wrongly oriented part installed
3. Poor soldering
4. Poor wiring

Start double and triple checking those things, and don't assume you've got anything right at any point. Also, take some high quality close up pictures of both sides of the board, upload them on a picture hosting site and post them here for us to help take a look.

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