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darkside volume issue

Started by phreek, March 11, 2012, 07:14:20 AM

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hi everyone!
so i just finished my darkside build.. it was some kind of special run that had some lyrics from dark side of the moon screened on it!! (lil extra mojo perhaps!!)

i like the way it sounds, but it isnt putting out much volume.. less than unity gain even!

i subbed a 100kA pot for the volume.. should i go with some other value?


It's possible the pot sub is the issue, however I usually find that if there's a problem in the sound like that it usually points to another error in part useage. I would triple check my resistor values from the output backwards.

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On mine, unity is about noon on the volume.  Definitely verify resistor values.

What are the lyrics screened?  "There's someone in my head, but it's not me"  My favorite lyrics from DSOM.


Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be.

when i take out the diodes, it is pretty loud.. i didnt have any of the recommended ones so i just tried out what i had on hand..

i wanna go with bat41   i did have to sub some of the resistors as well. some of the values were odd so i just put the closest that i had in it. i might go back and make a list of what i need and just make an order for some if the new diodes dont help.


What's up Phreek!

Hey man, hit me up on what you need for resistor values. I might have them. Don't forget, you can always teepee those suckers too to get your exact value.

I also might have a few extra BAT 41's if you want to use those.