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Tonebender/Pastyface Versions

Started by pryde, February 20, 2012, 12:04:00 AM

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Just wondering what version of the pastyface would get me the Jimmy Page-ish sound. I am not familiar with the TB in general so looking for advice.

Should I be considering the "Sola Sound" version for this? Or will the "Soulbender" version be able to dial in  good classic tone?

For reference I'm after this sound of an original TB Fuzz (sounds very Jimmy Page to me)

Thanks for all advice!


That's what I ma looking for as well. Great clip! I decided to build the Souldbender and got it mostly together but I am a few parts short. I may even use silicon for the Q1 and Q2 for stability (the Cosmopolitan that I built sounds unbelieveable but doesn't have quite thye same "bite" that I want for Zep licks.


Page used a 1 and a 1.5 early on. I'm fairly certain the reason they began to produce them was because he was using them. I don't know for sure that he ever used a 2 or 3.

Probably safe that info is out there somewhere in internet land. Have you tried googling which Tonebender Jimmy used?

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I've googled that before. Seems like 1 and 1.5 are for sure. Apparently he had a MK 3 at some point, but no one's ever been able to document actual use!


Yes it seems like there is a lot of speculation about what page had/used in terms of tonebender.

I like the sound of the Throbak Stonebender which is supposed to be a MKii tonebender.

Is the MKii the same thing as the "Solasound" version of the pastyface? I notice all versions of the pastyface have 3 knobs though (vol, tone, fuzz)?