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Timmy Clipping Switch

Started by Guybrush, October 02, 2014, 07:56:11 PM

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Hey all

I've just put together a Timmy board and opted to add the 3 way clipping switch. I've had a very quick play around with it on my resting rig and can't here much difference between a couple of the settings. Just wondering if anyone could tell me of this is normal?



I don't know about the three-way clipping switch on the Timmy (feel free to post a link or describe it), but the three-way clipping switch on the Lavache/Les Lius is pretty subtle, too -- and that circuit uses hard clipping which is more obvious than "soft" feedback loop clipping like the Timmy.  Combinations that have higher forward voltages should give you more volume and more headroom/detail, but other than that I feel like it's mostly cork sniffing.  Not that there's anything wrong with cork sniffing, mind you.

[One google search later....]

Okay, I just found a schematic with dipswitches on two additional 1n4148 diodes, and, yeah, that's just gonna do assymmetric clipping when one is active (louder and maybe a smidge different harmonic content) or lower forward voltage when both are active (quieter, less headroom).  I wouldn't expect much more than that.  Find the combination you like, set and forget!

Also, don't expect to hear any significant difference at all between the two one-on/one-off combinations.


You're description of the 3 settings in your last paragraph are spot on to what I'm hearing so sounds like all is well.

Thanks for the help. Greatly appreciated!


I've built them with the 2 dip switches and the on-off-on switch and don't hear a whole lot of difference in the settings.  That's from 2 different PCBs but almost identical parts lists.