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Grapevine caps subsitutions OK?

Started by G.G., August 23, 2010, 02:36:31 PM

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Hi Madbean,

I'm looking at ordering parts for the Grapevine through Futurlec and the closest values they have for the 50nf and 3nf caps are 0.047uF or 0.056uF, and 0.0027uF or 0.0033uF.  Is it critical to the sound to have exact values in these cases? I haven't quite figured out how to successfully use the Mouser site yet so trying to put a whole order together over there seems a little daunting.



Yes, those cap subs will work.

Generally, you can sub in anything +/- 5%. So for example with a 50nf cap you could go down to 45nf or up to 55nf. Remember that caps have tolerances too! So for example, if you're using a 47nf cap, measure a few of them and see if you can use one that measures 49.3nf instead of one that measures 45.6nf. That will get you closer to the actual circuit.

People who build large runs of pedals often get big bulk amounts of caps and such, and sometimes they get uncommon parts because they're cheaper or more readily available. Right now you don't see 50nf caps available, but who knows if two years from now the 50nf's are easier to find than the 47nfs! (Unlikely, but possible).

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great! thanks so much for the advice Jacob!


Jacob is the man.... :)

You can sometimes find a few oddball cap values on mouser if you know where to look. Try looking at Xicon mylar film (the greenies). IIRC, they have had some 5n, 50n's before.


OK, thanks for the advice guys.  I'm just trying to keep my parts sources to as few vendors as possible so the shipping doesn't end up being more than the parts themselves  :D  If those values will make or break the sound I would try to source them but if the subs would get me close I could probably live with it.

thanks again guys!