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Blending a fuzz into the Chunk Chunk

Started by squigette_82, January 28, 2012, 04:28:54 AM

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I am trying to build a Chunk Chunk pedal that has a coloursound one knob fuzz pedal blended into it, but I do not know how to do that.  Here is the schematic ( and the layout ( of the fuzz.  How would I go about blending this into the Chunk Chunk.  I want the volume of the chunk chunk to control the overall volume of the pedal, and I want the pure chunk chunk signal to come through if the Fuzz is turned all the way down.  And when it's turned up I want it to be a blend of the two.  Here is the chunk chunk schematic and layout (

Any help would be appreciated.


Cool idea, i think you might be able to get some interesting (if very saturated) tones.

easiest way to do something very close to this is to build (or buy) a blend pedal. Runoffgroove has an interesting and reasonably simple project called the splitter-blend that may be of interest to you. .

This won't give you exactly the control scheme you're looking for, but it'll be pretty close. In many ways this is better since you'll have more control over the tone since you won't depend on volume controls for mixing signals.


Thanks, this looks great.  Do you think if I took the signal retern from the Chunk Chunk pre volume, and then took the output from the blend knob and fed that into the input of the volume that it would give the control scheme that I am looking for?