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Muddy sound?

Started by 9Lives, January 16, 2012, 05:06:08 PM

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Just finished the chunk chunk and it was working great (still does) until I turn my compressor off. When it's on it's badass, does this circuit just operate better with some sort of input buffer? Or my trimmers could be a lil off? It's not a huge deal bc I rarely turn off the comp anyway. It's just one of "those things". Just wondering if it would benefit or hurt it.


you might want to check for cold solder joints. that could cause what you are experiancing. reflow any that look dull. and see if that helps. the added boost that compress adds could help your signal pass through bad connections easier.
I got blisters on my fingers!!!


checked for cold joints and every thing looks good. I have a fairly steady hand. All though I'm def not above it.. I tried using a Ge buffer from amz. That also cleaned it up. What I also noticed is this is the touchiest damn circuit I've ever dealt w. Any time I fiddle w it I have to redo or rewire somthin. I'm also not using shielded wire. If I cut the ends off and old coax or pedal jumper can I use that?