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Green Bean diode recommendations

Started by Geosh, January 09, 2012, 07:02:01 PM

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I am building a Green Bean and I was wondering if anyone has played with the clipping diodes and compared them yet? I built one already for a friend with all 1n914's and it sounded pretty good but I think I am going to socket them this time and play around. I was wondering if anyone already had some combos that worked well that I might try rather than just start blindly plugging diodes in (though I may to that anyway). Thanks!


You could try something like this out for the bean:

i did this for my Glitterrattii and it's fricken sweet! it really makes it easy to swap diodes on the fly and see how the different ones react in different combinations and on different sides of the wave. endless possibilities and hours of fun!


I loaded mine up with 3 mm waterclear LEDs for D1 - D3, and 1N914 for D4 and 5.  Gives it a different enough sound from the other TS clones I've built to stand out, and I am really starting to prefer the LED/lift combination in most of new builds.  Did the same in a high gain King of Klones, and it really sounded nice.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Quote from: insomniac2295 on January 09, 2012, 07:26:28 PM
You could try something like this out for the bean:

I read through the article, and though interesting, isn't it only clipping one side of the signal? So asym clipping is out of the question? Am I wrong (if so, please correct me....)? Hopefully I am, because it looks like a very cool ad-on for clipping circuits! Loads of possibilities and flexability!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Actually it looks like the first five sets are going one way but the top five sets are opposite. So combining them you could get assymetric clipping.


Quote from: sgmezei on January 11, 2012, 06:22:56 PM
Actually it looks like the first five sets are going one way but the top five sets are opposite. So combining them you could get assymetric clipping.

This is correct. You can get a bajillion different combinations using this. You can even pick which side of the wave form you want to clip harder during asymmetrical clipping. This is a very underrated tool!


So let's see if I got this: You can get asym clipping by selecting only one half of the wave form (top or bottom  5 sliders) or selecting a different diode for each half (using one of each of the top and bottom 5 sliders). It should't be to difficult to rig up something similar so you can select 2 diodes for each half of the waveform. I'm gonna try and work that out, should be an awesome tool!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


I think it should look something like this.......
"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


That looks like it would work well, Paul.