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Slow Loris Wierdness

Started by pdub, December 12, 2011, 06:55:01 PM

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Hi all.

I just got the Slow Loris completed and I am having a couple of problems. I am using a center off toggle switch. 1N914's and Red diffused 5mm LED's. In the center off position I get what I think is the stock Rat mode, all the controls work as expected. But this should be no diodes to ground so no distortion! I test the switch and checked that it is functioning properly, grounding the diodes as in the schematic at each position. When I test the pedal I get no sound from either the diode or LED position only in the center off. Neither the diodes or LED's are grounded in the center position. I checked the orientation and the diodes are in correctly. This is really weird! Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Charles


I'm not sure I understand...

You will get some distortion from just the IC.

Are you saying when you are grounding the diodes via the switch position you get no sound at all?

Contract PCB designer


Hey Josh

Thanks for responding.

Yes I get no sound when grounding the diodes.

Thanks, Charles


Ok so getting back to this one after finishing the awesome Dirtbag!

I have removed the LED's and now the diode clipping works and the center switch position gives me a slightly overdriven sound as I would expect. But when the LED's are in I get nothing in either clipping position and light fizzy sound in the center position. I have checked the polarity of the LED's and that looks ok. They are 5mm diffused red ones.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks, Charles


Which state is it in right now: LED's installed or out?

What you're describing is pretty odd given the portion of the circuit we're dealing with.  The only thing I could come up with is (a.) bad switch and (b.) bad LED's, a combination that is highly unlikely.  If you can post some good, in-focus pics of both sides of the board I think that would help.


Thanks. Yes it was a weird problem. I ended up removing the switch and the LED's and hardwired it to diode clipping and now it works fine. I think I will just leave it as is. I must have had a short somewhere.

It Sounds great! I'd like to try the LED clipping at some point but for now I am happy with it and the sweep and filter controls add some nice variation to the sound.

Thanks for everyone's help!
