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WARP Pot not working on Into The Unknown

Started by alf49, December 13, 2021, 05:03:49 PM

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I've buided the Into The unknown pedal, it's not my first DIY pedal (Big muff pi ram's head , Engineer thumbs compressor, Woody AC Sim from Mark Hammer, Nurse Quacky, among others).

Concerning the Into The Unknown, all knobs are working just fine, only the WARP knob (pot) doesn't cause any changes on the sound.
I've already check all Diodes orientation, all the cap and resistors and everything seems correctly.
I've replaced the WARP pot (C10K) for a new one, and the result is the same.

When changing the WARP knob, nothing happens, it's like it doesn't exist on the circuit, while all other knobs (rate, mix, level, sub, gate,filter,track) as well as the switches (oct UP, DOWN, LFO) works perfectly.

I'm using a gretsch guitar (Humbucker pickups) and a Gibson les Pauls (Humbucker pickups).

can you please help me?

best regards


Pictures would help a lot.

Looks like the warp pot is connected to C8, which is an electrolytic cap. I would check the orientation of c8 to make sure it isn't backwards. it also connects to pin 9 of the cd4046 so there could be something going on there, but the cap seems like a more likely suspect.


HEllo, many thanks for your reply.

The problem is that the Octave UP is not working, so I think the problem is there, and then affects the WARP pot.

All caps/diodes are ok, the solder also,  I've check them. Track and all the pot work fine, the LFO and Oct DOWN also work just fine.

Can you please help me trying to find the issue witg OCT UP switch?

many thanks Ricardo

So I need to focus why Octave UP is not working.


In the original post you said everything aside from the warp pot was working fine. It's a tricky pedal though and there is a lot of switches and knobs so I get how it can be confusing.

Again, please post pictures, they will help us help you.

Also if you have a multimeter post the voltages on each pin of each IC.

That's said, I'm thinking from what you are describing that the issue is IC3 is bad. Looks like the output of ic2 (the octave up) is going into ic3 which is also connected with the warp pot. Do you have another one you could try?

Is the tracking pot doing anything?