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Reviving "Help with debugging an AquaboyDLX 2019"

Started by Ariosto, November 28, 2020, 09:51:18 PM

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Hello again,
As the problem still persist with this building, I took a break and come back with a fresh head. OK, I realised that when I connect my power supply (Boss PSA 2308 9V) the light indicator begins to flash intermittently (more than evident sign that somewhere is a shortcut). The Q5 BS250 get hot, and when I take away, the light indicator stops flashing (by the way, the Q5 was hot), I tried with almost 5 different of them and always the same behavior. I replaced D1, D2, IC7 LT1054 and the L7815 as well. I am still checking inverted capacitors, cold joints etc and apparently everything is fine. With my tester I become voltage only up to the "D" of the mentioned Q5. I connected 12V (inverted polarity) to R58 and the LDR1 (Photocell) turned on, but no delay signal at all, only normal audio. Maybe could somebody help me with such a mysterious case.

Thanks a lot