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First completed build! Pepper Spray

Started by Bret608, November 28, 2011, 03:25:51 PM

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Hey thanks bigmufffuzzwhiz! You helped me figure out the transistor orientation in this build, which was much appreciated.

By all means, build this one, it's really interesting! I was able to dig a little deeper into its sounds this weekend, and I think I noticed the subtle octave-down that Brian mentioned for the first time. On the Ge diodes setting, I'd been running it with both balance and harmonics wide open, but not at a very high amp volume. This weekend, I cranked my amp up to near-breakup, and I noticed that not only did things get more bass, but when playing at the 12th fret or above, there was a kind of synth-like undertone. When I backed the balance off to around 2 o'clock, it returned to the same fuzzy, growling overdrive I"ve gotten used to. So it's very sensitive in terms of how you set both your amp and the knobs on the pedal!