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Improved camera rig

Started by madbean, March 04, 2020, 09:47:55 PM

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Spent about $50 to make the demo setup a little more manageable. Now I can snap the phone into the little housing plug in the Zoom and away we go. Also, got the old Vixia camcorder out in case I want to do two angles. Eventually I want to make an overhead rig so I can have a top down shot.

This last demo i shot included multiple instances of me forgetting to hit "record" and also knocking the camera over halfway through the demo :)


That's fancier than my phone-taped-to-a-lap-desk-which-is-counter-balanced-on-the-seat-of-a-chair-using-whatever-heavy-object-is-handy approach.
"There is a pestilence upon this land. Nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." --Roger the Shrubber


Very nice! I am working with a similar set up, what kind of video editing software do you use?

I want to start getting into making video demos, so everyone can see the settings I use and what not but I am lost on what software to use and how to do it.

Play shitty guitar. Check. Write ridiculous songs. Check. Build and paint pedals. check. Computer stuff. UGHGGGH.


Quote from: jjjimi84 on March 05, 2020, 02:57:40 PM
Very nice! I am working with a similar set up, what kind of video editing software do you use?

I have the Adobe suite as part of mbp so I use several pieces of software. My workflow is:

After Effects for adding any txt/gfx or fx.
Import the AE project into Premier for edits.
Import the Premier project into Media Encoder for final render. I just use the canned YouTube and Facebook render settings. They work fine.

Doing it this way means I do not have to pre-render any clips so it goes pretty fast. Unfortunately, I've lost/forgotten a lot of my After Effects chops over the years. I used to be pretty heavy into it and could do lots of fun motion graphics. I really wanna get back into that at some point.


Nice! Looking forward to seeing more demo magic, always very cool to hear and see!

I have just downloaded editing software "davince resolve16" free version which is about as powerful and impressive as battlestar Galactica and probably harder to control... I'm bracing myself for the learning curve. They seem to have great tutorials though if I can wrap my remaining brain around it.
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