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1590a FV-1 POG-style pcb ?

Started by Philthy, January 17, 2020, 05:10:21 AM

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Hi all,

Anyone know of +1, -1, -2 FV-1 based pitch shifter pcb for a 1590a? Something like a EHX POG.



FV-1 can't do -2 oct as far as I know. It does an okay -1oct but it gets pretty warbly.


I'm guessing you've seen this and passed it by since it doesn't meet a couple of your criteria:

So, that's the closest thing I've come to cross in DIY, but I haven't heard any FV-1 (DIY or otherwise) that tracks as well as a POG, there seems to always be a bit of lag.  My Organ Donor build (in de-bugging) has quite a bit of lag compared to the EQD Organizer, but I'm sure the fault is in my build, not the PCB.
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