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Flintlock Flanger (ADA) - Auto Trimmer

Started by Bio77, November 13, 2019, 05:52:21 PM

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I was wondering what the function of the Auto trimmer is conceptually?  In the Flintlock set up, you adjust it until the frequency sweeps between the lowest and highest value.  However, I've noticed that it seems to be either working or off depending on where you set it.  Is there a sweet spot on this trim?  If so, what is it doing to the signal and how can it be set to the best position?


It's for fine tuning, you set the clock frequencies while in manual (70kHz - 2.6MHz or whatever it is) and then if when the LFO is engaged at full width it sweeps a bit higher or lower than where you set it, you can tweak it up or down.

It's adjusting the bias of the LFO so at some settings, the LFO wont be able to swing properly and will stall.
Works at Lectric-FX


Thanks Scruffie.  So, if it is set to sweep 70k to 2.6M and you move it from there,  would it move to say 75k to 2.5M or more like 75k to 2.7M?


Works at Lectric-FX