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Help for a fuzzface noob

Started by Adam_DIY, June 04, 2019, 12:37:14 PM

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I haven't built anything since my son was born 10 months ago and want to get back into the hobby I've missed it.  I've just been given an empty fuzzface enclosure so it would be rude not to use it but can't decide what to put in it.  I was thinking about modding is a bit and fitting silicon and germanium boards in it with a switch to select which one I use.  I picked up some BC183s from pedalhacker last year for the silicon but am absolutely clueless for the germanium can anyone school me a bit on whether I want NPN or PNP?  To save hassle I'm just going to order a  matched set from smallbear but the choice is a bit overwhelming.


If you are going vintage, PNP. Ain't nothing wrong with ordering a set of matched transistors to save some time and hassle, especially with a newborn around. That said, saving some money is probably in order. I'd go with a cheap pair unless you just have to have the mojo factor.

Check out the build doc for the mangler:

Not versed in the fuzz face enough to know if they stack nicely, but instead of switching between the two, you might leave them independent for switchable gain settings.


Just be careful about the circuit you choose so that you can use a negative ground. Positive ground effects are usually a pain in the butt.


I've had my eye on a board from pedalPCB that does exactly what you described, NPN and PNP with a switch.  You might want to check it out, its called the Twin Face.


Thanks gents I'm reading the rg keen stuff at the minute to get a better understanding before I start ordering boards or transistors.