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Blend / mix knob on pork barrel

Started by halfmassive, February 14, 2019, 04:21:04 AM

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I would like to build a pork barrel chorus but include a blend / mix knob to mix between the chorus and vibe signals similar to what is on the walrus audio Julia and the byoc mega chorus.

Is it possible to do this on the current version of the pork barrel pcb just by swapping out a resistor for a pot?

Any advice would be appreciated!


Tonepad has a CE-2 project, where all the useful mods are described, including the mix mod. The first version of the Pork Barrel included those mods, so a former build doc of the Pork Barrel might help, too.


Awesome. Thanks! After comparing the different schematics I think I have it narrowed down but if someone could confirm that would be great!

Correct me if I'm wrong please. Would I just replace r9 (mbp schem) with a pot? I'm thinking 50k b maybe. And to be clear I want to be able to blend the vibe/chorus tone in or out - like the vibe switch on the old pork barrel but with a pot so I can vary it more.

Thanks again for all the help


This should get what you are after: dry-chorus-vibe blend as you turn clockwise.


 Thanks very much. I'm still a little confused about what to do with r9, 45,46 and 26 (from the posted image) on the current mbp pb board.

Would I need to
1.wire r9 and r45 with lug 3 of the blend pot in place of r9 on the current board? r46 from lug 1 on blend pot and the other end to the negative on ic1b.
3. Change r26 to 22k

Please excuse my ignorance as I'm not the best with schematics and the differences between the versions are a little confusing.

Thanks again!