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Demo of the Zombii with lightplate

Started by chromesphere, December 12, 2011, 10:02:20 PM

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Hi guys,
I made this demo primarily for keysandguitar to demostrate the zombii and thought some people here might like to see it.  I started building 12 pedals about 5 months ago and recently finished them all.  I'm not a huge fuzz fan, but the zombii is the one thats stolen the limelight for me personally.
Anyway here it is.  Hope you like it:

Pedal Parts Shop              Youtube


Awesome demo of the pedal. I am waiting on my Zombii board to arrive and can't wait to fire it up.

what trannies did you use?


Thanks for the compliment Pryde!   

I really like the rich textures that come through the fuzz.  I hope i captured some of this in the demo. 

I used the 'all american' germ trans from small bear.  i have nothing to compare it to though unfortunately.

Pedal Parts Shop              Youtube


Cool. I ordered the SINO trannies for my build. I hope they sound similar to yours