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2N2646 Testing Methods (Vox Repeat Percussion Issue)

Started by SlaveUnit, November 18, 2018, 04:08:39 PM

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Can anyone please tell me if these are valid tests for a 2N2646 transistor? I ordered 10 and they are all failing with no readings.

If they are not valid could anyone please suggest other tests? Thanks everyone! I've been pulling my hair out with a percussion tremolo build.


I think I figured it out. I'm pretty sure that I bought fakes.


I had problems getting the repeat percussion to work with the 2646. I had a store in town that sold authentic NOS, but they were too expensive for me to keep buying them in hopes of getting one that would cooperate.

I eventually ended up going with a 2N6027 and slightly modifying the circuit (add one resistor, change the value of another) and got my choppy skippy goodness.


The modifications -

May require twisting the legs of the transistor depending on your layout, but that's about it.


I ordered more from another seller. If those are fakes I may give this a shot. Thanks for the info.


Quote from: somnif on November 19, 2018, 05:56:37 AM
The modifications -

May require twisting the legs of the transistor depending on your layout, but that's about it.

I have been wanting to try this in the clone of the Hummingbird from PedalPCB, the 2N2646 makes a lot of ticking and I would like to try replacing  it with a 2N6027, I will look at the schematic and see if I can make it work.