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Main Menu D3lay and Radium Springs

Started by jjjimi84, September 11, 2018, 09:43:20 PM

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These two pedals from are my first foray into SMD soldering with the fv-1 chip. These two characters sound pretty good, the D3lay is really great the tape delay and mod delay are fantastic and the space delay is weird in all of the right ways. The radium springs reverb is really good the two tremolo settings are subtle and the mix has to be turned up quite high to really feel the effect of them. As usual the board layout and everything is super easy, even for me.....

Guys I was born in 1984, all of my pedals will be painted with cartoons, video games and comedy/movie references, that's what it is.

Here is the D3lay, Autobots roll out!

Here is the Radium Springs, sporting the autobots matrix of leadership.



Daaaammmnnn do you eat sleep or do anything else besides build? You have a pretty impressive collection in what appears to be a very small amount of time.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


BigNoise Amplification


I have some madbeans built from a couple years ago i want to demo and even some of the first byoc that were put out but almost everything has been in the last couple of months.

I went a little crazy this year and sold off aton of pedals and gear I wasn't using, with that i bought about 75 pcbs and set out on trying to give back to this forum and community. In my eyes everytime eqd or jhs or something releases a pedal there is fifty guys on youtube demoing it and raving up a clone. I think that there is a hole where there isn't enough demos of pedals in the diy community that are way better and more versatile.

So In an effort to learn more about electronics, get better at playing and to justify having a room full of this stuff I want to try and build, paint, write and release as much as I can.

To make a long story boring, yes this is my day to day, besides working and husbanding and fathering. I love building al of my gear and want to share as much as I can.


Love these!  I was a huge transformers fan as a kid. Used to have the whole devastator set.  The original cartoon series is an all-time favourite 8)