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First build: Serendipity

Started by rikdal, September 25, 2011, 06:00:33 PM

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So this is the first pedal I've ever built! .. apart from an attempt at a Tube Driver clone which got as far as a failed double-sided PCB I tried to etch.

Started off trying to drill the holes by hand, that sucked so I went and bought a drill press, next thing I need to buy is those things that hold the PCB for you while soldering. I never realised how many tools building a pedal requires!  ???

Here it is anyhow:

I haven't quite looked into how to do any kind of decorating, so I just ordered a pre-painted box from Small Bear, but it would be nice if I could figure out how to do some artwork for future projects.

Also I need to look into some better wire, the stuff I used was like stranded copper but not bonded? Made soldering a nightmare! Ended up with some bad wire joints here and there which had me troubleshooting for a little while once I boxed up.

Once I fixed it all it sounded fantastic though, I used a Burr-Brown OPA2134 and I think its perfect!


Great job man... nice first build!


Looks great, did you spray paint the finish?
It helps if its stranded wire that's not bonded to tin it first by simply adding some solder to the wire so it doesn't fray. Then the wire already has solder in it to make good heat transfer.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on September 26, 2011, 01:33:37 AM
Looks great, did you spray paint the finish?

Nope didn't use any finish on it at all, was too excited to box it and have a play. It does look it has some kind of coating though, must have been the lighting! Next time I might try doing a decal + clear coat over a pre-painted box.


Great job!  You did a great job on the wiring, considering that's your first build.  Heck, I still can't wire that neatly and I've built a bunch :D