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Ram's Head Big Muff Pie

Started by stringsthings, January 31, 2018, 08:47:22 PM

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Probably the first stompbox I was ever introduced to was the BMP.  A good buddy bought one and recommended it.
So, I splurged and bouoght the BMP Deluxe.  ( which is the op-amp version and a really nasty compressor )
Since my ear and my playing were just getting off the ground, I used it all the time and got very familiar with the tone.

Many years later, now in the days of the net, I discovered that peeps like ourselves were going back, tracking these circuits,
and bringing them to life.  So I did my homework and discovered the many variations of the circuit.

The etch on the enclosure didn't turn out exactly as planned, but I went with it

Here's a recent build:  Ram's Head with 5088's ( that I need to solder into the sockets )

Etcher's Paradise board ( shout-out to the Bean-man )

The enclosure didn't turn out as planned, but I went with it and just sanded off the edges.
I'm pleased with it.  It certainly isn't a clean etch ... but hey, we can't all be dudes like Dminner.

And here's a bonus pic of the happy cat manager photo-bombing the gut shot photoshoot.

All You Need Is Love


I think happy cat manager is micro-managing your photo shoot there. :)

Good looking pedal though!


That's a beautiful etch and clean guts! I like it a lot!!



Nice. I think the etch looks fine.