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Road Rage mod: Possible to do 24v?

Started by tra, May 24, 2011, 01:44:17 PM

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Hello all,

Just curious to know if it's possible to get 24v from the Road Rage?


From a 12v source yes (you actually get about 23v).
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


12v can potentially damage a MAX1044/TC1044. They are rated at 10v, I believe. However, frequencycentral uses a 12v input into these for his mini-tube amp projects without issue.

Alternatively, you can use an LT1054 which takes up to 15v, IIRC. One thing: use a socket and remove the leg for pin1 if using an LT1054. On the RR, pins 1&8 are connected on the PCB to use the frequency multiplier in the MAX/TC which boosts the oscillator frequency out of the audio range. The LT doesn't have this feature, or at least doesn't do it through connecting those two pins.


Actually, according to the datasheet, the TC1044S is rated for 12V. I think the MAX1044 is not, however.


And, you can actually use the TC1044 as a charge pump to further boost the voltage. You may not be able to do it on the roadrage board, but it would be very possible on vero or perf board.

check out this RG Keen article:


Thanks for the clarification.

This is pretty much how Rick does the supply for his his mini-tube amps. I think he uses a heat sink, too.

NOTE: this illustrates a potentially lethal voltage output. No kidding. It's for illustration purposes only!

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I would like to run a Boneyard at +12v/-12v.
So I could use a Road Rage to up the voltage from my pedal power supply from +9v in to +12v and feed the TC1044 on the Boneyard to get +12v/-12v right? According to the datasheet he TC1044 is rated up to +12v in.