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Resistors - 1/8th vs 1/4

Started by gordo, November 02, 2017, 02:44:30 AM

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I'm looking to place an order to round out the BOM on the Cascadia and the thought occurred to me that I seem to recall that larger resistors have less thermal noise.  Is this still true?

And if I push this further, are 1/8th watt resistors just a stop-gap measure to SM stuff?  I've accumulated a turd-ton of 1/8 lately, only because normally you buy in quantities of 100 or so even if you need just slightly more than 10.  Economy of scale.  But can 1/8 be substituted for 1/4 or is there a reason to stick with 1/4?
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


Lower wattage resistors can produce more noise in the aggregate but generally the low voltages in guitar pedals (say 9v) this is not such a problem. They are worse for handling current limiting applications (say if you have a large enough current draw through a series resistor).

Here's some good info: