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Photographs for Enclosure Art?

Started by keysandguitars, September 11, 2011, 12:14:04 AM

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Has anyone tried adhering photographs over the top of the enclosure, spraying a protective coat on the photo and then spraying clear? I'm thinking you could print some pretty vivid colors that way without shelling out money for a color laser printer. Am I crazy?

Obviously, if you wanted the color of the enclosure to show through this wouldn't be an option.
I should still be a "diode destroyer"!


Sounds cool. It would be similar to the process many take with applying their graphics, just using a different sort of paper. Try it out!

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You can use actual photos, using the envirotex stuff. I have actually done this once. I used rubber cement on put the picture on the box, and covered it with the epoxy. The finish is very thick so lines aren't really a issue. Disclaimer, i have only done this once and maybe i just got lucky :)
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Thanks for the feedback jimmy. I'll give it a rip on one of these pedals. I've got several on the build queue and a few with no enclosure ideas yet.
I should still be a "diode destroyer"!


Yes you can do it! I've done it quite a few times now. At first I was skeptical it was gonna look super tacky, but it turned out looking really good. I also didn't use photo paper, just regular printer paper. I layed a primer and then my color I wanted, then glued the picture on top using Elmer's glue. I used a little super glue on the edges to keep them down really good. Then just use regular clear coat over that. Did maybe 2 coats and they've stayed pretty solid. I'm sure epoxy would work way better!!
Here's some examples;
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