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Possible to wire a switch for one/other/both cascaded?

Started by Willybomb, June 18, 2017, 11:20:09 AM

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Gudday all.

Got an idea for a fairly crazy build, but part of it is that I want two effects on one footswitch, but I want a switch between the footswitch and the effects that can a) select one or b) the other, or c) cascaded with one into the other.

One or the other is easy enough with a dpdt, but how would I do the third option?  Can it be done with a rotary?



I think I had a similar idea and worked out the wiring, as I recall it could be done with a 3pdt toggle, but it was a long time ago, I'll try to find the scheme :)


Ok, so I found this scheme on my phone, it should work in principle, but there could be a problem with some of the outputs, because they aren't disconnected when they should be, it could lead to noise or tone sucking or both. I never managed to test this circuit so I don't know. As an alternative solution you could use a microcontroller with relays, that's probably how I would do it. If you decide to go this way, let me know if you need some help, it's pretty simple to get this working :)


I'm doing something similar at the moment, I used a 4p3t rotary switch, which means I can also do different LEDs for each mode.   I'll draw something up if you want?


The rotary diagram would be great.

Sorry Miha, I can't make head nor tail of that pic. Can you redo it please?


Yeah, sorry about that, here's the new pic, I also redid the design a bit so that 2 outputs are never tied together, which means no noise or tone sucking and also, you could use a 3pdt and a dpdt, instead of 2 3pdts. I hope I didn't miss anything :)
A bit of explanation:
State 1 or ST1 is when the bottom rows are connected, ST2 is when the top rows are connected. There are 2 OUT pins that need to be tied together at the jack. SW1 could be a dpdt, SW2 must be a 3pdt. It would probably be a good idea to add some pull-down resistors.
So basically SW2 determines wheter you are cascading or not, regardless of SW1 and SW1 determines which effect you are using in non-cascading mode.
Hope this helps :)


Quote from: Willybomb on June 18, 2017, 11:30:01 PM
The rotary diagram would be great.

Here's what I've worked out with the 4p3t rotary.  Have tried it out off board, haven't soldered it up in the enclosure yet, so take with a grain of salt. :)

This diagram has 3 LEDs - for 'effect 1', 'effect 2' and 'both'.  For bonus points, you can have just 2 LEDs, and pin 12 then goes to a few transistors that switch on both LEDs to signify 'both'.  I'll draw up a schematic for that if you want.


I think the rotary is exactly what I want.  I think it can probably be done with a 4pdt but it won't have LED indication which will be a very nice addition.  I'll give that one a go.  Thanks a heap to both of you.


No prob, looking forward to seeing what you make!



You can also pull this off with 1 Center-Off SPDT switch and 2 DPDT relays. Each DPDT would bypass one of the effects when on so left would be right effect only, right would be left only and center would be both together. Then use a regular 3PDT stomp to bypass the whole thing.


Thanks.  I hadn't seen your post Kgull, but as an update, Mjg's rotary diagram worked perfectly.