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So, who wants a £42 TL072 equivalent?

Started by somnif, April 29, 2017, 10:42:41 AM

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All You Need Is Love


The thing is, before I saw this, I thought discrete op amps were just like, a learning exercise. A historical curiosity. I thought this because I bought this thing for a former roommate I got into circuit bending: The XL741

It was a fun toy for learning some intro electrical engineering. Just for giggle we even plugged it into an IC big muff circuit I had to show "oh hey, it works"

(and for the record, couldn't really hear a difference between the IC and the ridiculously massive op-amp)


Its cooler seeing the bits, make for better gutshots? ;D


Oh yeah, well how about discrete digital circuitry?

From La Wiki, a discrete transistor board from a DEC PDP-10 mainframe.  I actually have a couple of these at home that someone gave me as a souvenir.  As a very young person I briefly used a PDP-10, though it was a later generation that probably used integrated circuits.  But discrete transistors make your comp sci exercises sound clearer, with more airiness and a sense of warmth.

Aleph Null

Oh yeah?! How about domino digital circuitry?!!!1!!one!!