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2 in 1 assistance pls (Moodring/TT Cardinal) - ground loop?

Started by Philthy, April 19, 2017, 11:41:42 PM

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I have a weird problem on a 2 in 1 Moodring / TT Cardinal build and would like some assistance please.

Both populated boards were rocked before boxed. Both worked** with my little -ve tip wall wart test supply.

Boxed them (Moodring straight into TT Cardinal, no order switch) - Moodring worked, TT Cardinal didn't. Bypass was fine when the Cardinal was off.

Tried an alternative power supply as my 9v test supply is a fairly low current  -  TT Cardinal worked, Moodring didn't. Bypass was fine when the Moodring was off.

Noticed my alternative supply had it's polarity reversed. Swapped the polarity, same intial outcome - Moodring worked, Cardinal didn't.

Isolated the two board supplies. Powered up the Moodring with (initial) 9v -tip supply and it worked. Concurrently powered up the TT Cardinal with the (alternative) 9v +tip supply and it worked. 

I had a working pedal (albeit with two power supplies :o) though the Cardinal's (vol, rate etc) pots seemed to be working in reverse ???.

**I cannot categorially rule the pot issue as something associated with the +tip supply (it's been a  while since I rocked it).

I'm struggling to understand why the Cardinal worked (unboxed) with a -tip supply and when boxed, doesn't.

Does this sound like a this a ground loop issue?


1 stomp switch then?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


no sorry, two (should have mentioned this in the initial post)

One for each effect (plus one for the tap tempo functiojn). Will try to post some pics tonight


Have you verified the wiring? Maybe we can spot something when you post pics.
I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".



It may just be the camera angle, or maybe it's due to your testing and changing things around.  But it looks like you have the power jack wired with centre positive?  It looks like the red wire is going to the centre lug for the Moodring power jack.  I don't know if that is correct for pedal 9v supplies... but would work if polarity is reversed?

Anyway, maybe you've done it that way so you can use your two supplies?


I've sorted it thanks guys
crossed up my supply wires
goes to show at 11pm you need to walk away and come back
just tweaking it now
will post a build thread soon