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Handmaking nixie tubes

Started by Leevibe, January 09, 2017, 04:40:15 PM

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This is a fascinating watch if you have the time. I'm surprised at how much of this he just eyeballs. There must have been a mountainous learning curve with a crazy amount of trial and error. And the equipment investment looks huge.


In-freakin-credible!  8)

That is a hellish amount of very skilled tedious hand work there.
No mass production line for those babies!

Scared to ask what they cost....
Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering.


impressive. Figuring out all the process details must have been a pita to say the least. And working with glass is not as easy as it might look, there is lots of craftmanship involved to learn. I know from experience. First lesson: hot glass looks like cold glass.
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