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Potentiometer Queries!

Started by tagwap, August 15, 2011, 01:49:23 PM

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Hi Guys,

I'm new here and new to pedal building. I'm loving it so far! I;ve built a BYOC TS-808 and their EA tremolo.
Also i've built a SHO on veroboard.

I've ordered some PCBs on here and i'm trying to order parts. i'm all sorted except the pots.

It's the king of klones and the pots are:
Gain 100kB
Tone 25kB
Vol 100kA

I'm in the UK and most places seem to just list 100k and not state the second letter. what should i order and how to i know if it should be the log or the linear version. Sorry if i'm being ignorant but that's exactly what i am!! i've done so much reading already and would appreciate some advice on it.

Thank you



Pcbs no longer available


Hey dude! Welcome :)

Basically, the designations are like this: A=Audio or Log, B=Linear and C=Anti-Log or Reverse Audio

I'm not in the UK so I can't point you to a good website over there. Maybe

Anywho, Jimmy's link is awesome. Very educational :) Have a look at it and have fun man! You'll be addicted soon enough haha

God bless!


I'm not sure if I understand your question 100%, so apologies up front if I've gotten it backwards.

The A and B in potentiometer nomenclature stands for Audio (Logarithmic) taper and Linear taper.  You'll sometimes see C taper, which is Reverse Logarithmic.  You'll typically use Audio taper pots as voltage splitters in points in your circuit where you want to control the output volume or inline gain, and you'll most frequently use Linear taper pots as variable resistors, controlling the bias/gain of op amps and transistors, setting the mids and the ground path of tone stacks, etc.

(There are plenty of exceptions and other uses.  Here is a great article to read:

I recently built the Aristocrat, which was the double King of Klones, and I would recommend picking up a 250kB pot as well so that you can try the higher gain mod as described in the project PDF.


Contract PCB designer


That's brilliant. Thanks so much guys. I think I'm gonna like it around here (",)