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Germanium fuzz build

Started by mjg, October 23, 2016, 02:42:57 AM

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This weekend's project was finishing a FaceMaster germanium fuzz from with some AC125 transistors.  Thanks Paul - sounds good!

The PCB is seriously small - made to fit in tiny enclosures.  So of course I stuck it in the biggest box I could find.   :o

I had a metal box that a watch came in - thought I'd try that out as an enclosure.  It wasn't great to work with - the drill tended to tear or bend the thin metal, rather than cut a nice clean hole.  The knobs aren't mounted parallel as a result, as the top of the enclosure is bent around the holes. 

Finished by going nuts with black then silver spray paint.  Originally was going to call it "Fuzz Space" but the name "Galactic Fuzz" seemed to stick in the end. 


Wow! Awesome!

Love the tiny box, and the guts are so. clean.
Mzo.FX, Owner


+1 for a non-standard build matt!  I like the 4 pin connector you used and small enclosure.  Those knobs are interesting, tiny, never seen those before.  Cool!
Pedal Parts Shop              Youtube


That looks really great. I love how small it is. Good job!


I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone. 

The knobs were an eBay mistake - I ordered something else, those knobs turned up instead, so I got a refund and some free knobs.   

I seem to have a history of doing fuzz face builds in non-standard enclosures - here's one I did when first starting to build pedals - 'Beating our tobacco tins into stomp boxes'.  I'd not heard of a 1590 at that stage.  ;) 


They're both so nice, I'll definitely look for that kind of metal boxes in the future! I really really like them, excellent job!